A true Sales Tiger, a diamond in the rough.

A reason why they are so rare.

Sales are the lifeblood of any business, but many managers assume that it's an easy job that doesn't require much training and if they wait long enough they have some real sales tigers in their hands. This couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, training sales staff is critical to the success of any business. In this article, I will tell you the reasons why managers often assume that sales is easy, the negative impact this assumption can have on sales morale, and the benefits of training sales staff. I'll also look at several ways to train sales staff effectively.

Why Managers Assume Sales is Easy

There are several reasons why managers assume that sales is an easy job. One is that they may have been successful in sales themselves, so they assume that their skills are easily transferable. Another is that they may see sales as a numbers game, where the more calls you make, the more sales you'll make - not per se untrue, but there’s more to it.

The reality is that selling is a complex process that requires a combination of skills and knowledge. Sales staff need to be able to communicate effectively, build relationships with customers, understand customer needs and pain points, be knowledgeable about their products and services, and be good at time management.

The Negative Impact on Sales Morale

Assuming that sales is easy can have a negative impact on the morale of sales staff. When managers don't invest in training, sales staff may feel undervalued and unsupported. They may also feel that the company doesn't care about their success and development, which can lead to demotivation and a lack of engagement. 

You might recognise this:
A new salesperson arrives, the first day he/she will get a tour around the company, a bit of chitchatter, and eventually he/she is sat down behind a desk with a document that holds brief instructions of the products and how to operate the CRM system. He/she is assigned a “buddy” (who is busy with her own funnel) for guidance and then the magic words:

“You’ll learn on the job, just start working on your sales funnel and you’ll get to know our target group and products within no time.” 

Now won’t you agree that sounds like a horrific first day? That is why I refer to the golden rule:
"Do not do unto others, what you do not want others to do unto you"

The Benefits of Training Sales Staff

Training sales staff can have numerous benefits for both the sales team and the company as a whole. Here are just a few:

  1. Increased Motivation: When sales staff receive training, they feel more valued and motivated. They are more likely to be engaged in their work and more committed to achieving their goals.

  2. Improved Sales Performance: Training can help sales staff to develop the skills they need to be successful. They can learn how to communicate more effectively, build stronger relationships with customers, and close more deals.

  3. Increased Customer Satisfaction: When sales staff are knowledgeable and skilled, they can provide better customer service. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and repeat business.

Ways to Train Sales Staff

There are several ways to train sales staff effectively. Here are a few:

  1. Role-Playing: Most people feel silly or embarrassed to role play, yet I always make them do at least 2 or 3 scenarios. Role-playing is a great way to simulate real-world sales scenarios and give sales staff the opportunity to practise their skills in a safe environment. It is also easier to give feedback on the spot.

  2. Webinars and Online Training: Webinars and online training modules are a cost-effective way to provide ongoing training to sales staff. They can be accessed from anywhere and at any time, making them convenient for busy salespeople.

  3. Coaching and Mentoring: Coaching and mentoring can provide sales staff with one-on-one support and feedback. This can be especially useful for new sales staff who are still learning the ropes. I also try to listen in with the first few calls and then take them aside for feedback. Firstly, I ask them how they think it went and what could be better, and then give them my feedback.

  4. Phonescripts: This one is always good to have. Some salespersons despise phonescripts, whereas some might like to have something to fall back on. Therefore, it is always good to have one. I do want to remind you when using scripts, scripts are guidelines and not rules. By memorising the script, salespersons learn to better engage with different sales situations, but if they stubbornly stick to the script and a situation occurs that’s not described, they most likely will fail.


Sales is a complex and challenging job that requires a combination of skills and knowledge. By investing in training for sales staff, managers can motivate their team, improve sales performance, and increase customer satisfaction. Whether through role-playing, webinars, phonescripts, or coaching and mentoring, there are numerous ways to provide effective training for sales staff. Do not be afraid that your salespersons will leave you after the investment of training, more likely is that they will stay for the long run. Thus by doing so,  businesses can set themselves up for long-term success, and so do you.


Toxic-Positivity on the Workfloor: